Thursday, March 26, 2015

baby a : week eight

World, say hello to our little bundle of joy!
Wow. It kind of looks like a little turkey, which is perfect for a November baby! ;)

So you guys, pregnancy dreams are a real thing. I've had the weirdest dreams lately!! I've dreamt I was a criminal detective on a college campus and blew up delivery trucks, I was a woman trapped in a body (of no gender?) forced into marrying Lauren Conrad, and that I was forced to live part-time in water with a bunch of people who had meat thrown to us over a bridge and part-time on a ship.....I mean......what in the world?!

Also, some good and bad news! Good news is there's nausea, but I still haven't had morning sickness! YAY! The bad news is (warning: TMI ahead!!!) constipation. (Dun dun duuuun!) My stomach is always hurting! It's dumb, but I'm not throwing up, which I am terribly afraid of so I can't complain!!

It's a weird angle and I kiiinda pushed it out a bit.
Let's be honest, that's really just bloat. Hehe
Also, sorry for the right-before-bed picture. Yikes.

How far along? 8 weeks 2 days as of today

How big is baby? He or she is the size of a raspberry! It's "berry" cute!.............I'm sorry, I had to!

Maternity clothes? Not yet. I'm hoping to work with what I have for a while longer!

Stretch marks? Also looking good. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for extra luck, yes?!

Sleep? I sleep great! (Well minus my very active brain!) But I still just want to nap all the time. In fact, even now my eyelids feel a little heavy......

Best moment last week? Going to my first OBGYN appointment with James. I’m so glad I didn’t wait until his birthday to tell him so that he could come to it. That’s a moment I will never forget! We’ve been staring at that little ultrasound picture for daysss.

We took a thousand pictures. (Okay, I did)
So although we were SO excited, it might not show so much in this picture. Take 43!

Movement? We saw some up on that little monitor! It was crazy. The heartbeat was the coolest thing I have ever seen!! And I have to wait a WHOLE MONTH to see it again!?!

Food cravings? Smoooothiiiies. Oh my goodness, my mouth is drooling just thinking about them. The icy kind with any and every kind of fruit. Ooooh yeeeeeah.

Food aversions? I'm not a fan of fried foods. I just am not a fan of the smell. But I get over it pretty easily. And any kind of Thai or Indian food (which I smell a lot since our office has the microwave) makes me have to hold my breath and take my nose right off. I'm actually being a little dramatic--it's not that bad....but not that great either. Haha

Gender? We like to talk about it, but let's face it. We have absolutely no idea.

Labor signs? Thank goodness no. Stay away for a loooong time!

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: Eh. It still doesn't feel like there is much that's different! So I guess there isn't anything I really miss yet! Give me time. ;)

What I am looking forward to: Maybe seeing a tiny pop of a belly? I know that's not for a while and I should count my blessings, but it just doesn't feel real yet!.........Am I the only one that keeps feeling like this? Oh shoot.

Milestones: After getting that ultrasound, everything is finally feeling more real!! And it was a DREAM to get to be there with my James. I already so so so love my little family.

Friday, March 20, 2015

baby a : week seven

I always see my friends posting answers to a “pregnancy questionnaire” on their blogs and I love that idea! I'm hoping to make a baby book/journal for Baby A someday and that seems like a great way to compile all the facts and stats. And it's such a cute way to keep track of all the fun things that happen each week. So (of course) I googled some...and all the ones I saw were basically all the same. That makes this indecisive girl pretty happy! ;)

So without further ado, here is my pregnancy questionnaire....

Classic bathroom tummy picture.
Sadly, nothin to see here {yet} folks.

How far along? 7 weeks 6 days as of today

How big is baby? Our little one is the size of a blueberry! How cute!

Maternity clothes? Nope. I don’t exactly show yet, so I still fit into everything and I haven’t had the need for a new wardrobe. However, maternity clothes seem sooo comfy that it's pretty hard to resist!

Stretch marks? Not yet. Oh gosh. I’m praying I have none. I know, I know. Genetics, But! I’ve been putting lotion on every day for years, so I’m hoping my skin is soft/stretchy enough to buy me some time to get some oils or creams! (I’m open to suggestions!) and maybe I can fight them off....I hope that's not irrational thinking....

Sleep? All. The. Time. I’m always tired! Even if I just woke up, I already need another nap. Haha I’m getting in as much as I can now because we all know once this little person comes along, I can kiss sleep goodbye! :)

Best moment this week? Telling James he was going to be a daddy. I couldn't wait until his birthday. That was something I’ll never ever forget. (Separate post I will link here later)

Movement? Sadly, no movement from our cutie pie. I know it’s just too early, but I can't wait for that moment!

Food cravings? Hmm, I’m not really craving anything! I’m at a point that everything sounds good. And when something sounds good, I need it!

Food aversions? Not really any of these right now either! It’s the same kind of thing—I don’t really notice food until I smell it and all the sudden, I either get nauseous or hungry! Haha  I think it’s too early.

Gender? Psh. No idea. But I just want to buy all the baby clothes! ;)

Labor signs? No way! And I better not have any for a looong time!

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: Well...I don’t feel like there’s much that’s changed yet! I guess I miss not being tired and not having to pee 24/7? But hey, if that means I get a baby at the end of it, I’ll take it!

What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment and watching this baby grow!

Milestones: Well, I’M PREGNANT! I'd say that's pretty big news!! This is just the most fun adventure ever!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

baby a

I still can't believe this is happening. It sounds cheesy, but it really does feel like a dream! We've wanted a baby so bad for so long and now that it finally has happened, I just feel like I'm walking on clouds and it's just too good to be true! Lucky for me, it's all real. This is really happening!

I had a feeling I could be pregnant a little while before I even took a test. [WARNING: If you are a male, I would just skip this whole paragraph!!] I had missed one period (even though there was the teeny tiniest bit of spotting) but I have missed three periods in a row before and I wasn't pregnant. So I didn't think too much of that. But then my boobs got sore. And very sensitive. I would hug someone or they'd bump into something and...oh man. Ouch. However, I thought it could just be prepping for a period. So I tried not to get my hopes up.

But then it never went away. And I never got my period.

So around my 26th birthday, I decided it was probably time to take a test. I stopped by the store on my way home from work and paced those isles. Do I want a test with a clear word? Well what if it was positive? I would want to keep the test, so would the word disappear after a while? Better get the one with the lines...but what if the answer isn't as clear?! What if one of the lines is faint?! But I would definitely be able to keep that test and the answer would never go away...would it?

I went back and forth like that for at least an hour, weighing the pros and cons of each brand and test. I finally decided to get the one with the clear words--I would go crazy if the results were confusing and I didn't want to take that chance. Besides, once you know, you can take 100 tests and they'll all say the same thing! I can keep one of those! Yay!

I decided it to wait until my birthday to take the test. Knowing that box was hiding upstairs in the back of my dresser was killing me, but I thought if it's negative, well than it's still my birthday and my day was bound to still be a good one. But if it was positive...oh my goodness. Talk about the best birthday ever!!! I had to be patient.

Friday March 13, 2015

Finally Friday has around and we are having quite the busy morning. James comes in with Henry to sing me Happy Birthday (adorable). I know I have to get up and get ready. I want to make sure I look my best just in case I get to take a certain photo, but I'm already feeling really rushed--I know our loan officer will be arriving any minute to sign papers with us. I also kept getting interrupted as James wants to know what I wanted for my birthday breakfast and updates me on time every few minutes. I'm too scared that he'll walk in on me so I just focus on getting ready and not the test I just carried into the bathroom and hid. I have only curled about a third of my hair before I hear her come in. Shoot! I'm tempted to take the test really fast, but this is not a moment I wanted to be rushed. Not even a little. So I just head downstairs.

About an hour and half later, we have signed all the papers and head back upstairs to finish getting ready and finally get my answer.....but I can't wait. I pull the test from behind the bathroom drawer and take the test before anything else can happen and set it on the edge of the tub.

Okay. Don't look at it. It's loading and it'll just make you more antsy. Just do something! I have to look! Still loading. Hm. I could brush my teeth. No, that takes too long. I'll just do a couple curls......Still two of four bars loaded. Okay finished a couple more. Maybe I should look? I'll just take a quick glance....Oh my gosh..does that have a word? A single, short word?!........Okay deep breath, don't get discouraged, you'll be okay, it'll still be a great-.......It says pregnant......It says pregnant!? It says pregnant!.....Does that really say...pregnant?!

I can't help myself. I start shaking so bad, I scare myself. Then it hit really hits me. I start to sob. I fall to my knees and say the most sincere prayer of gratitude I could muster. I can't stop the tears either. I know I had to get ready for work (I was already running pretty late because of the paperwork) so I try to calm myself down enough to finish getting ready. My mother in law is just downstairs and I don't want her to think anything is out of the norm. I go downstairs, pack a lunch, thank her for the birthday gifts on the table and tell her she can have the last birthday donut (I'm going to have to start watching my sugar intake!) and leave for work.

I make a plan that I can’t tell James until his birthday. It only sounds terrible because it’s two weeks away and it’s going to torture me to keep this to myself, but I can't imagine a better present to give him than telling him he was going to finally be a daddy. I smile just picturing the whole thing. I want it to be a really special moment for both of us. You only have your first baby once!...Man, two whole weeks!...But I haven't even seen an OBGYN yet so until I have proof, that might be the smartest thing to do anyway. I feel like I need time to process all of this for myself and figure out all the details (like a due date!) and get some questions answered first.

The whole way there, I think about everything. Telling James, what our little baby will look like, how we would tell our family, if I had been being healthy, what to do first....I start talking to my tummy. It’s not silly! Better get them used to my voice now, right? I am so overjoyed. Tears roll down my cheeks the entire way there, but I am able to keep it together and I’m just enjoying the moment. 

I pull into the parking lot of the office, and immediately make an OBGYN appointment. I know I want Dr. Hamel, I've heard the most amazing things about her! The lady on the phone says her schedule is probably full, but she will check...there’s ONE opening left? I’ll take it! March 23rd. Wow, that’s a long time to hold this in...but this is obviously meant to be! Thank you again Heavenly Father! Now I have the doctor I want and my whole plan is falling into perfect place! 

This lady is really nice about everything—she asks about my birthday, then wishes me a happy one. She asks about the first day of my last period. I remember perfectly and she lets me know I have to be at least 6.5 weeks along. Six and a half weeks!??! Whoa. I tell her my plan and ask if there’s any way James could find out before then. There’s not! This is just turning out to be the perfect day. I get my head in the right place for secret-keeping and head inside the building.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

time to spill the beans...

We're so unbelievably and positively over the moon to announce that I am PREGNANT!!

Baby Anderson
Due November 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

exciting news!

James and I have officially bought a house and become real grown ups!

We searched for MONTHS and nothing ever really seemed to fit what I thought would be a great home for a family. And to tell you the absolute truth, I can't honestly say this one gave me that "this is home" feeling when I walked through it the first time either. But after we left, I could not stop thinking about it! And it started to grow + grow on me until we decided to put an offer in. I didn't want to get my hopes up, since we'd already lost one house we fell in love with, but we had gone and seen the house just a few hours after it had been put on the market and I was NOT going to lose another great house again!

So we put in an offer a little lower than they were asking and they came back with a full price counter offer. We accepted! And the paperwork has now begun! Now we are watching and waiting as they fix it up (it was a foreclosure) and as all foreclosures are, the closing part is taking a lot of time. We have a date of May 11th, but we keep hearing that it may come even sooner than that!

We signed the bank papers on my birthday--talk about a great day! And I have to give James major props for getting pretty much everything done on his own and making this a lot less stressful for me. He's done everything on the back end and I appreciate it so so much more than he knows. I really did get myself a keeper.

I am SO excited to finally have a place that is 100% ours. No renting, no borrowing. I can make permanent changes and add things to the walls that will stay there! It has been quite a learning experience and very stressful (especially when you + your husband have different tastes) but I have to say we have been so so blessed. We got the best opportunity when we moved here to stay in a home rent-free and just take care of it. HUGE huge blessing. We have a patient and caring set of in-laws who have taken us in off the streets when we had to leave our first home together. Another huge blessing. And we got a great deal on a great home that was pretty close to where we wanted to be. I mean, I really just couldn't ask for more! I'll give more details as they come, but that's been our main focus for months now and I'm so excited to see it all coming together!

This is just a sneak peek! More photos to come!