Monday, June 15, 2015

Baby Anderson Is A...


I can't believe we are so lucky and get to start our family with a sweet baby girl! Of course we would've been so overjoyed either way, but a girl is quite the fun, unexpected surprise!! I was absolutely sure it was a boy! My goodness, I can't wait to meet her!! We're just about half way so it won't be too long now!

The Day Of

Even though I was REALLY excited the morning of, I'm talking same kind of emotions as Christmas morning, I was also really stressed. I'd left a tad bit later than I meant to and then I took a wrong turn on the way to James's work. I called the doctor and she was very sweet about it, but when I got to his office, I could tell James wasn't happy. So we were a little snippy with each other. But that all melted away when we got there. Neither of us wanted that to be the mood we saw our baby in. So we got over it.

Also worth mentioning, that night before, I told James he should wear whatever color his guess was tomorrow. Since he already had a good idea of what our baby was going to be, he asked if that's what I really wanted and said that he was going to give it away by wearing pink or blue. So I told him to wear a neutral color. I didn't think he actually was going to go for it, but then I saw that he had a yellow shirt on when he got in the car. I mentioned that I thought he wasn't going to do that, but he said "Well that's what you wanted. So I thought yellow was pretty neutral." That made it better too. [I wore blue anyway since that was my guess]

I had drank a WHOLE bottle of water on the 25-ish minute drive up so I REALLY had to go. When we walked into the exam room, she started to get my belly ready but INSTANTLY when she put the gel on, she was in shock about how full my bladder was. She took maybe two tiny measurements and then she had me run to the bathroom before we could start. That cracked us all up and set the good mood.

She started taking more measurements and I told James to be totally ready for when she told us the news. I assumed she would warn us, but luckily James was still ready. And then BOOM. The shocking news. Here it is for you! (Sorry for the obnoxious repeated phrases. Haha)

I. Was. Shocked. I couldn't stop talking to James about it all day. We went out to lunch at Square One (a burger place) and I think that's the only thing I talked about the whole time. That, and how we were going to tell our family and friends the news. I was still shocked when I got home and pulled out the first baby thing I ever bought + kept for myself. I held onto it all this time because I hoped someday, I would have a sweet little lady to put it on. I just couldn't believe it'd be for my FIRST!

We are both SO excited. I can't wait to see James with a little girl. He's already so adorable with our other niece and I've seen how obsessed he is with our other nephew, so I just can't wait to see him turn into a big ol marshmallow. After all, little girls always have a special spot for their daddies.